Identity and Access Management

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Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important in the world as more and more of our personal data is being stored on the Internet. Organizations are constantly needing to take measures to make sure that they are protecting themselves from cyber-attacks. Government legislation such as GDPR has been put into place in order to make organizations comply with certain requirements that will protect their customers’ personal data or else face heavy fines.
  1. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): We enforce MFA as a mandatory security control. MFA adds an extra layer of authentication beyond usernames and passwords, requiring a secondary verification factor (e.g., code from a mobile app, security key) for user logins. This significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access even if a password is compromised.
  2. Single Sign-On (SSO): We implement SSO to simplify user access management and reduce password fatigue. SSO allows users to log in to multiple applications with a single set of credentials, improving user experience and security by eliminating the need to manage multiple passwords.
  3. Just-In-Time (JIT) Provisioning: We leverage JIT provisioning to grant access to resources only when needed and for a limited time. This minimizes the potential damage caused by compromised accounts by restricting access privileges based on the user’s role and specific task requirements.
  4. User Activity Monitoring: We implement user activity monitoring solutions to track user actions and identify suspicious behavior. These solutions can detect anomalies such as unusual login attempts, access to unauthorized resources, or data exfiltration attempts.
  5. Privileged Access Management (PAM): We implement PAM solutions to control and monitor privileged user access to critical systems. PAM solutions can enforce strong password policies, record privileged user sessions, and provide granular control over privileged account activities


Our solutions are designed to identify and prevent unauthorized access and disclosure of sensitive information, enforce corporate security policies, and monitor compliance with regulatory requirements. Data loss prevention solutions can be deployed on-premises or as a cloud-based service. The best way to sustain your business is by keeping it secure. Relyon offers a data loss prevention solution that monitors and detects insider threats, ensures data encryption, and prevents malicious data exfiltration.